info, fees etc


EGM 3/10/23 increase in subs:

Subs due Jan 2024 (incl summer term) £55

by cheque 'North Notts Chamber Choir'
or see DS (treasurer)
for sort a/c code

AGM 27 Feb 2024


(Please return your scores to College by xx xx xx  if possible but certainly by yy.

By hand to Reception or post if nec

address:    Worksop College, Worksop, Notts, S80 3AL)







Concert details

2023 Saturday 2nd December:

 Rehearsal - be in Chapel by 1.15pm to ensure we are place for a prompt 1:30pm start.

Should be finished by 4:30pm 


Concert (7pm start)

Please meet in Montgarrett at 6:30pm

Montgarrett will be locked during the concert to enable you to leave any personal possessions

Ensure you return your music to Montgarrett at the end of the concert.

Volunteers wanted to help move the staging and chairs at the end of the performance.


Dress code

Gents - DJ/dark suit with white shirt and black bow tie

Ladies - all black. Caroline will issue you with a scarf.


Any queries please speak to Faith at rehearsals or email her.

tickets from Faith at rehearsals




Black music folders required -  ??? has these should anyone need to buy one.

Parking reminder - park in school car park leaving semi-circle in front of School doors near Chapel for those who require closer parking as a necessity.


Hired music was made available for you to borrow.  If not from free library service then there will be a hire cost payable by you. You are allocated a personal number which will be shown on the score.  It is your responsibility to ensure that your score is returned to the librarian immediately after the performance.  If your score is not returned you will be responsible for the cost of a replacement.  If you inadvertently take home a hired score after the concert, please contact the librarian or any committee member so that arrangements can be made for its return